Artwork & KCollection Lighting
Light makes art visible...
To show the works in the best way; It depends on the lighting, which takes into account many variables such as shape, surface and color in works of art. Works exhibited in museums or art galleries for a certain period of time; There may be differences in the perceptions of exhibition organizers and curators, and amateur art lovers and collectors, due to the exaggeration in their presentation and emphasis.
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Museum Concept Design & Lighting
We approach museology holistically and create concept and fiction design together. Thus, we ensure that the works are revealed more effectively with the exhibition and presentation techniques we have developed.
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Landscape Lighting
In outdoor lighting, it is important to choose products that will provide both safety, visual comfort and long-term service. With scenarios created depending on usage needs, different options can be offered for daily use and special day use.
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Indoor Lighting
Functional and stylish lighting; It complements the interior design.
Depending on preference, lighting fixtures can sometimes be used as decoration objects or they can only function functionally, integrated with the building.
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Urban Lighting
In urban scale lighting, light has both a functional and a safety function, and it should also adapt to urban aesthetics. Since energy consumption is of great importance on an urban scale, scenarios and calculations are done very well, and in addition, product types that are resistant to vandalism are preferred.
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Facade Lighting
Facade lighting, which increases the visibility and identity effect of the building, maintains its striking effect for many years with the right product selection and application method.
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